Website Category: Egypt after the Pharaohs
Area: 601 km2
Inscribed: 2002
Criteria: (i) a creative masterpiece (iii) cultural tradition (iv) icon of an era
(vi) association with belief system
Location and Values: The Saint Catherine Area is centred on the Orthodox Christian monastery of Saint Catherine, and includes Mount Sinai. It is situated at the southern end of the Sinai Peninsula, less than 100 km (in a direct line) from Sharm el-Sheikh. The area is sacred to three world religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism, being the place where, according to the Old Testament, God handed down the Tablets of the Law (i.e. Ten Commandments) to Moses. The monastery, founded in the 6th century, is the oldest Christian monastery still in use as a monastery.
Slideshow of the Saint Catherine Area:
Google Earth View: To view satellite imagery of the monastery and its immediate area on Google Earth, click here. This opens a new window, so when you are finished, just close the Google Earth page and you will be straight back here to continue browsing. It is worth taking a few minutes to explore the surroundings by panning in and out, and exploring Mount Sinai and the wider desert landscape.
Links to other places featuring Egypt after the Pharaohs: Abu Mena I Cairo
Other Links: Official UNESCO Site Details