Website Category: Frontiers of the Roman Empire
Area: 0.5km2
Inscribed: 1982
Criteria: (iii) cultural tradition (iv) icon of an era
Location and Values: Tipaza is located on the Mediterranean shore about 80 km west of Algiers. It was a typical Roman port town which reached its peak of wealth and influence under emperor Septimus Severus (AD 193-211). It was surrounded by a 2.2km defensive wall, which helped maintain its integrity against invading forces until it was finally breached by Vandals in AD 372. Thereafter, the town went into decline, and many of its building materials were taken for use in the construction of Algiers.
Slideshow of Tipaza:
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Links to other places featuring the frontiers of the Roman Empire: Djemila I Timgad I Cyrene I Leptis Magna I Sabratha I El Jem I Carthage I Dougga I Volubilis
Other Links: Official UNESCO Site Details I World Monuments Fund