I am always pleased to receive news and views about world heritage sites in Africa, and hope ultimately to be able to use this website as a ‘clearing house' for such material. I am especially pleased to receive updates on the changing situation at particular sites, as the impressions gained from my visits inevitably become outdated and superseded by events. Feel free to contact me if you have specific questions, or want advice on related issues - but bear in mind that I am often away for extended periods so emails may go unanswered for weeks. Where appropriate I may forward your mail, or excerpts from it, to the site management authority, IUCN, ICOMOS, the World Heritage Centre or somebody else better placed to comment on it! Please keep it short and focussed - the world heritage movement depends heavily on staff who are overworked and underpaid, as well as volunteers like me! Contact:
Dr Peter Howard
African World Heritage Sites,
P.O. Box 24994,
Karen 00502,
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: info@africannaturalheritage.org